Saturday, December 20, 2008

A Poem

So, everything has disappointed me actually
We are humans, who struggle on telling beautiful lies
Just keep on pretending, I don't want to care

Desperate I am, yet Not even the slightest euphoria came to befriend
Time brought all of us tight and vulnerable
Striving for what each desire the most, not the most
Blabbering and murmuring how life will change together
Hm? Like it will occur!

Passing one another in competition of life
Drama and roles are being played
But I realize, that I cant hold on
The surroundings are too superior
My mind are being dominated, contaminated
By the things that supposedly not.

While I'm endeavoring,
I'll just wait,
even I disgrace my self
even I take off this mask
so I can wander and whistle in serenity,
Finding myself in me.


Gaby in Wonderland said...

Wow, what's up with you, dude??
Something about the school??

Mario said...

nope. it's just a jumbled mind. wakakakaka!